ECI 155:  Water Resources Engineering Planning                                                   Spring, 2008


Monday and Wednesday 10-12, room 80 Social Sciences                                                                   

Instructor:  Jay Lund                             Office Hours:    MW 9-10, F 2-3, by appt, and usually when I’m in

Office:  3109 EU III                             E-mail:


Objective:  to provide a detailed introduction to the engineering approach to planning water resources.

Pre-requisites:  ENG 106, ECI 114, ECI 141; recommended: ECI 153

Required Readings:  Hundley, The Great Thirst; Cal. DWR Bulletin 160-05, California Water Plan; Recommended: Linsley, et al., Water Resources Engineering


Date     Topic                                                                Readings and Assignments

31 Mar. Overview of Water Resource Planning Problems and Systems

2 April  Physical and Institutional Infrastructure Frontinus, 97AD


7          Planning Theory                                                Planning paper; Gregory and Keeney 2002.

9          Delivery-reliability modeling                              simulation homework handed out; Project topic due


14        Water demands, management and modeling      Bulletin 160-05, Vol. 2

16        Flood Management                                           HW #1 due (yield modeling)


21        Risk and decision analysis for floods                  Project sources and reference list due

23        Water & Environmental Law                             Sax 2004; Cox 1982


28        Economic & Environmental Impact Analysis; Public Participation          

30        California water discussion                    Hundley book, chapters 1-4; Project themes & outline due

2 May  MANDATORY FIELD TRIP all day                       


5          Water Transfers and Markets                           HW #2 due (flood risk analysis)

7          Integrated System Economics and Modeling                                         


12        Mid-Term Exam                                               (Lund gone)

14        System modeling continued                   Bulletin-160, Exec. Summary, Chapters 1 – 5 (Lund gone)       


19        Optimization modeling                           Draft project site and essay due

21        Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta                        


26        Holiday                                                         

28        California Water                                               Hundley book, Chapters 4-8; Project reviews due


2 June  Discussion: California Water                             Bulletin-160, Vol. 3, chapter 1 + another

4          Summary and Review                           HW #3 due (integrated system management)


Approx. Grading:          Class participation 10%            Mid-term Exam 10%                Draft Project 10%

                                    Homework 30%                       Final Exam 20%                       Final Project 20%


Final web site and essay are due June 8

Final Exam: Thursday, June 12, 1:00-3:00pm.